Thursday, 26 July 2012


Dear Diary,

I'm so heated right now I feel like I need to scream.  I'm so confused and not sure if this is a symptom of PTSD or just a normal reaction to stressful situations.

I'm so fed up of con artists, I've been duped out of a holiday to Jamaica, I'm having trouble coping with a situation, I can't abide people who hurt my mother or son, why do people think it necessary to lie on individuals, and try to ruin their reputation? Just do you get on with your life!

This person took advantage of my family during their bereavement, abused my trust by claiming to be all about the community, when really that was a half truth in actual fact they delight in money and self accolade.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm perfect, I enjoy what money can do, however I couldn't enjoy the spoils of someone else's misery.  I also enjoy hearing good things from people about me it makes my day, I enjoy admiration, however I need the love of God, my mother and son more than anything in this world nothing else matters as much as this because when I react in emotion because of how passionate I become about a cause for justice, my son will speak logical and my mother spiritual they balance me.

So when I know someone is hurting them knowing what good people they are it disturbs me and I ask myself how can someone harm a child and a community elderly and claim to be all about their heritage and for empowering the community?

But then my mother told me something "hurting people hurt people" and that calmed my stormy waters.  

I just want to tell it from the roof tops and let everyone know what a lying con artist this person is, but my Mum told me "anything done in secret comes out in the end, it may take years but the truth will prevail!" and that's a true JAMAICAN woman right there.

So I leave you with this a wolf in sheep clothing has to come out in the end, as it cannot survive on the nutrients of grass all it's life, it will need to prey on meat sooner or later, and that's when I will be there by the grace of God to witness your true colours.

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