Monday, 23 July 2012


Dear Diary,

In agony right now but it may be self inflicted as Sunday night I supported the "Radio Cardiff Youth Beats" team to go along to the "BiggaFish Champions Tour" . 

Their brief was to set up interview questions, take photos, and enjoy.  I wanted them to gain work experience but also enjoy themselves, especially as this was a teen spirit building inspired event.

However I didn't plan for one thing, I'm a little out of touch with teenage girls and my son's co-host Becki H did the whole "OMG it's Karis from Stooshe... OMG Flow Dem... OMG ... OMG" it's quite amusing now I think about it at the time it drove my son bonkas LOL!  But I adore her she's a sweet heart, and I'm so glad she actually came out of herself and serenaded Karis, who told her she was "gifted" a kind word goes a long way.

Artists on the night were "Flow Dem", "Chip" a.k.a "Chipmunk", "Roxanne" (I love her btw) "Lady Leshurrr" there were quite a few local acts supporting this event too.

I was extremely impressed with one guy in particular and that was "Mizzy" he's on point.  I was also charmed by "Evander K" a part of the "Hypeon TV" family, I can't beleive he is related to Monica and Nadine Kennedy, small world, very lovely 
young man.
Pic courtesy of:

I was also touched by the fact local MC's/DJ's/Singers took the time to have banter with my son, he often looks forward to being around positive young men who are also aspiring to achieve their goals.  My son was looking forward to watching the 
masters in action, he had arranged to get some tips from the "Urban Fusion Crew" however he realised he needed to keep watch over his co-host and not leave her behind :).

The truth be known, I was not well enough to take on this task, my fibromyalgia symptoms have been quite erratic and because I've been driving I've not been able to take certain medications which have had a negative effect on me.  However when you're at these media events 
you can't afford to show it, you just press along and putting other peoples needs before your own becomes natural, you're there to catch moments for the fans who can't get up close and personal with their favourite artists, the questions you ask represent the community you serve. Imagine what the world would be like with no media? No radio, no papers, no online media social networks, no journalists looking for the truth!

The downside of the night is the after effects for me, my hands are so swollen, my feet are the size of party balloons, and physically I'm a mess.  But you know emotionally I'm blessed because Becki's father told me how she had a permanent smile on her face when she went home, CJ had an awesome time with "SneakBo" and I had an awesome time around a lot of positive people.

All of the above could not have been possible without Schwarz believing in my sons capabilities he is an amazing young man and he has a good heart! "Blaqbone Media" I salute you.

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