Wednesday, 30 March 2011


Dear Diary,

CJ starts his new school on Monday I hope he does well I will support him all I can, I wish for him to be successful have a good happy life, and move far away from here!

We are blessed in this country so not too far away but far enough so that the negative labelling that is happening with our family will never effect him.  My mum and I have been through soo much some self inflicted and some uncalled for backlash from alleged family, friends and brethren.  

I pray God tell me what one is to do when the ones who you turn to for help turn against you, who can one run to?  I can only think of the psalmist David who says "I will look to the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord" knowing that a great sacrifice as an innocent life was made on that old rugged cross, I must live!  I must try to overcome thoughts of self harm, thoughts of suicide, thoughts of doubt.  My success will encourage others to succeed and break this continuous negative cycle.

It is time for me to take life seriously, stop moping around feeling sorry for myself and do better God has given me sooo much to be happy about, I am blessed!  

I have a magnificient mother, a wondeful son, and good friends who care about me and love me, I am thankful!

It is time to claim 2011 as my year of victory and success not be a vicitm to failure keep knocking on doors they will open, and if they do not open, ask God to give me the key for the earth is the Lords and the fullness there of I am looking forward to spending time with my family I enjoy movie night and games night hopefully we will have more happy times never forgetting a family that prays together stays together!

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