Thursday, 31 March 2011


Dear Diary,

I am unable to sleep, so much is happening in my life that is effecting my mental stability and I do not have the strength to deal with it all alone, and I do not know how to pray anymore?

At the moment I am listening to the UCB Gospel channel and appreciating the songs they are so encouraging songs of assurance that everything is ok, and everything will be alright and as I type I actually believe it, all things that seem impossible for me to solve are because i am actually not meant to solve them God will sort it out, there are certain situations I am just not in control of and that is because God expects me to exercise my faith muscles my trust in him the real question is do I really trust God will do right by me and my family?  I am smiling while I type this I do, I know he created me in his image, he loves me, he has saved my life on numerous occasions I should not be here, be alive today, but against all odds Hello, I am here a living testimony of miracles being able to still happen in 2011, so you know what he is taking care of my loved ones and we will all see heaven together with his help.

I am really looking forward to the future it is bright, blessings are in store!  I have a new TV show in the works yes online TV I will be working on the Black International Film Festival and supporting my son's school to start a PTA life is looking up with new possibilities.  I appreciate my Pastors they are wonderful and my friends and immediate family there is alot of love and I need to project that love and stop feeling negatively!

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