Tuesday, 4 January 2011

05/01/2011 04:08am

Dear Diary,

Went to bed in pain last night wokr up twice through the night in pain, my kneck, left shoulder and left shoulder blade are in pain, left side of my back by my ribs, my feet are numb, and I have pain in my left ankle.

Feeling the stress at the present so I just keep playing the message from church on Sunday.

Will try to finish writing up my articles today, and go to Able Radio to write up my show proposal.

Feeling a little down as my friends don't seem to understand me right now, wish they could see I am trying to make a profession for myself, once I am there I will be in a position to help them more until then it's about me and my immediate family.


This is my third time awake in pain tonight will read Isaiah 53 and take some Oramorph as it is so painful in my kneck and both shoulders, my left bicep and lower back.  


Today has been a stressful day, I really feel sorry for service users it is so frustrating working with the social services at times it's like if you want a job done good you have to do it yourself.  Yet I am in no physical or mental condition to keep this up, however I need support and feel like I am having to fight a battle in order to get the support I need.  For example I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2008, my care plan still states medics are reviewing my condition with an aim of finding a diagnosis, we are now in 2010, I sent this with my DLA claim it gives contadiction to my other medical reports which strengthened the medical assesors claims.  Quite frustrating.  Today I have learned that the government is to abolish DLA and introduce PIP, I feel like a crash test dummy, this means we will all receive medical assesments again expect backlash from this because there is going to be a whole new can of worms opened.

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