Monday, 12 March 2012


Dear Diary,

It has been a tough weekend for me, I was bedridden most of Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  The frustration set in on Sunday as I was supposed to interview Romeo and Lisa Maffia from So Solid Crew on the Friday, then visit Roath Lock on the weekend of their tours open to lucky ticket winners.  But I was not physically strong enough, and could not cope with the pain I was in.  This morning my son had to help me to get out of bed, I was seized up and could not pry my legs apart from the foetal position I had slept in all night, my legs ache terribly this morning and my son had to support me to walk to the bathroom, as my left leg was numb, I could feel pins and needles in the foot but nothing in the leg itself it kept giving out on me.

Times like this are quite frustrating.  I don't know what brought this on as the weather was hot this weekend. I do know I am worse for wear the week before menstruation, the week during and a couple of days after so it may be this.

My memory has also not been it's best I was convinced my carers had misplaced my brush for the dustpan, and it was so weird because I was reminded that I had broken it previously, this morning. 

I don't really have much planned for this week other than getting my home in order.  Sorting paperwork and tidying up as when I am ill there is a build up of housework to do.

So thankful for the support of my Mum and son, my Mum bought us Chinese on Saturday and had it delivered and CJ put up with my mood swings did the bins this morning and walked the puppies over the weekend. 

My frustrations are that I want to be well and have some more knowledge as to how I can control my Fibromyalgia instead of feeling like it controls me.

Afternoon Feelings

Dear Diary,

Following the reading from the UCB Word For Today, my mother's inspirational words, I had a rest and made an application to college.  I cannot feel defeated, I must keep kicking, keep trying! So I wrote a personal statement and can only hope for the best.

"As a child I was always good at two things the Arts and caring for people.  I could never have enough Crayola sets, and I would love spending time with the elderly.

Once I became a mother and I experienced complications during my pregnancy, I had a desire to learn more about Health Care Sciences and pursue a career in Medicine.

However following a road traffic accident I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and PTSD.  I spent 9 weeks in hospital learning how to do simple things like walking, opening a door, dressing and transferring from one place to another.  I found that Art aided my recovery as I was able to express my inner emotions through drawings and poetry. I also had to battle Agoraphobia following my discharge.  I had a fear of how people would perceive me now that I was disabled.  I remembered how my Father had told me his friends taught him to swim one summer.  He said they had visited "Empire Pool" and threw him into the deep end.

If I was to overcome my fears I had to do the same so to speak. So I began volunteering in radio where I would have to constantly be around people, and be in the public, media eye where often perception is everything, how you look, what you wear, what you achieve.  The media is often unsympathetic and unforgiving when it comes to people's misfortunes and there is nothing one can do but ignore certain emotions and press on with the task at hand.

Having experienced press conferences, celebrity interviews and becoming a published journalist, I would now like to re-train academically and believe the best starting point for me would be to access the Diploma in Foundation Studies Art & Design course.

I have a portfolio containing photographs, ceramics, life-drawings and fashion design.  I have a new found love through embracing my love of Art.  Within the portfolio there are also pictures I have kept from my GCSE Art days in school.  I enjoy being creative, I have a passion for fashion, and I am happiest when working with clay or at a sewing machine.  I would also love to learn more about Adobe design options, I have seen some amazing techniques achieved through this computer software and although I am an old school artist with a love for the renaissance Art period and Bauhaus creativity, I like to move with the times, combining Art from my African-Caribbean heritage and westernised art movements.

I look forward to being creative and exploring my capabilities, having the freedom to use my knowledge of colour, light, art techniques, fashion, photography imaging and being able to apply these in an academic setting.

I am excited for what the future will hold on this course, should I be one of the privileged and pass the various processes securing my place as an Art student.
I believe this will open many doors for me given my experience in managing projects, workloads and prioritising my time to meet deadlines."

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Dear Diary,

I woke up this morning with back pain, throbbing thighs and hands probably from walking with my zimmerframe yesterday I had to get an outfit for an assigned interview today.

Yesterday was a hectic day, it came to my attention that my brothers and sisters in Africa are going through so much pain.  According to a campaign charity called Invisible Children there is a war criminal called Joseph Kony who abducts children from their parents turning them into sex slaves and rebel fighters with no cause, just self gain!  He has been at large for 26 years with little being done to stop him.  But God heard their cries just like in Egypt when God heard the cries of the Israelites in captivity.  He sent a kind hearted man Jacob Russell who has been campaigning for the past 9 years to STOP KONY! 

I was amazed at how a man who has not one drop of Ugandan blood in him wanted to rescue these children because what is happening to them is wrong.  He put a documentary out there putting his own life open for critique by people who may not see what he is trying to achieve.  Many received his message positively few had negative things to say.

But I say he is right, children need to feel safe and happy having the rights and freedom to learn and be educated.  To have a child exploited mindlessly with no purpose but for self gain and power is disgusting.

I approached many of my contacts to support a steering group to aid in efforts to raise funds and awareness for this worthy cause, many accepted being on board however I was disheartened when I turned to law enforcement agencies and heard their immediate fears for the disruption this could cause to our civilisation.  Although I understood where they were coming from as I too do not want disruption and am all for peace, for God's sake this man needs to be stopped, he is abusing children sexually, emotionally and physically and it would NOT be tolerated in the UK so why should it be tolerated anywhere else especially when we in the UK are aware of it?  Just because something does not effect us immediately or is not a personal threat we should just turn a blind eye, I am reminded of a story called the Good Samaritan from Sunday school, where people who we expected to help turned their backs and walked away, but someone who was considered to be of a different tribe, unclean, a gentile, stopped and helped because it was the right thing to do.  This is what Jacob Russell is to me A GOOD SAMARITAN and God bless him for being so.

In my UCB reading for today it talked about how in Matthew Jesus was healing many with critique and plots against him from the pharisees. I just want to share with you that try to support those who are doing the right thing and not be a stumbling block in their paths to what is right, give them advice of how to do things in the right order if you have the experience and don't pull them down and most of all keep encouraging them as they will become discouraged along the way.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


Dear Diary,

It has been a rough week for me so far, I was so broken in spirit last week, I just felt like giving up! But God was not ready for that, there is so much good I have to offer in life, so many positive changes that I beleive will contribute to great accomplishments and changes for my loved ones around me, but there are times when I feel so weak, so exhausted, my disability is the huge thorn in my side that holds me back having Fibromyalgia is mentally and physically taking it's toll on me, and it is effecting my family too. My son grows weary of having to care for me, my Mum is working so hard I fear for her health, my Father is grieving the loss of his brother to Cancer and has no time to listen to me belly aching about my condition, because after all, I'm not dying. But at times that's how it feels, I feel like I cannot take any more, like I wish God would just take me away in my sleep because I am a shell of a woman, at times I cannot bare the pain in my body, then I cannot stand to see my walking aids, my wheelchair, my leg braces and all the medications.

I feel it when I look in the mirror and cannot do anything to change my health complications, it is all out of my control. Then today I read this it was so encouraging to know some of the greatest if not all prophets in the bible had a fight on their hands, but they never gave up on life. Job lost his whole family, all turned against him friends, and even his very own wife, but he never never turned his back on God, he had true faith.

That is what I lack true faith to believe in someone I cannot physically see, to believe that when I pray someone is listening, after all if i pick up a phone to call someone, I hear them answer me with a salutation, a word of encouragement and they make me feel at ease. That's it right there, those comforting words are from God, speaking through a loved one to encourage me to go on, the beautiful things in my life, my son, my mother, my father voice, they ALL come from God, I am blessed among many.

So from now on even if I am not convinced when I look in the mirror, I MUST say I AM BEAUTIFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE! There are people who are doing worse than me, I can go to a tap and get running water without having to walk miles for it, I can feel warm by the roof over my head, I have a bed to rest in and lay my head, I am not dying, God is blessing me every day, I can look out of my bedroom window when I am feeling low, and see the sky, I am not blind, I can wake up in the morning and hear the birds sing, I am not deaf, I can talk for myself even when I feel exhausted from explaining myself to carer's, social workers, disability living allowance decision makers and any other people I feel are ignorant to my needs, I have the gift of speech where others are not so fortunate.

So the kick up the butt that I need is STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF ANNIKA and give thanks for waht you have, and stop looking at what you don't have, your God is capable of taking care of all your needs according to his riches in GLORY!